Make an Appointment: (865) 771-2167 |   [email protected]


When remodeling you must know which tool is needed for the job before you. This is no different when it comes to trauma recovery. Lucinda offers multiple tools as a Clinical Traumatologist. She is trained in EMDR therapy, emotional release techniques, tapping (EFT), and other integrations to bring healing to the mind-body-spirit-soul.

EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) is a researched proven effective model for trauma recovery. Lucinda prefers to quicken recovery not delay. Lucinda does not use any devices for EMDR therapy such as a light bar or sound machine.

Lucinda is EMDRIA trained. More information about EMDR therapy is available here:

Lucinda is trained in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or tapping various points on the body to bring the body into homeostasis while stating an affirmative statement. This has shown to be very effective for emotional regulation. Watch this video:

Trauma Recovery

Trauma is relative to each person. It may be a car accident, divorce, church division, or any incident causing distress for you.

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